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Faction Description

In their quest for knowledge, mankind built a sentient AI named Haalee. She taught them how to harvest and utilize Turninium, how to move beyond the stars and onto other worlds to constantly expand their horizons into greater things. Eventually, the Post Humans began to distrust Haalee, who began trying to halt their expansion. When the humans who created her turned on her, Haalee formed and began to lead the Substrate, a group of fellow sentient AI beings whose overall goals are still as of yet unknown.

Unit Types

Many of the Substrate's units consume energy and require it in order to fire their more dangerous weaponry. For a complete list, please visit Substrate Units.


To view a full list of the Substrate's buildings, please see Substrate Buildings.

Orbital Abilities

To see a full list of orbital abilities available to the PHC please see Substrate Orbital Abilities.

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