PHC - Artemis
General Information
Type Cruiser
Constructed by Armory
Time 42 seconds
Metal 452
Radioactives 107
Logistics 12
Spawn Count 1
Hit Points 480
Sight Radius 1000
Radar Radius 1015
Weapon - Havok MK-III Grenade Launcher
DPS 45
Range 1300
Area effect weapon
Ratheon AR-1 Harpoon
DPS 102
Range 1400
Requires energy; Armor-piercing

The Artemis is a cruiser class ship for the Post-Human Coalition.

Long-range artillery unit, effective against buildings and groups of static units.


The Artemis has become a favorite of the PHC due to its unique long-range artillery capabilities. The Artemis has a deadly anti-building attack which can outrange all defences, while having a secondary missile launcher with area of effect damage effective against frigates.

It is armed with Havok MK-III Grenade Launcher, that fires long-range volleys of explosive pods to bombard large areas, and Ratheon AR-1 Harpoon, a long-range anti-structure missile, which condenses a massive explosive force into a tiny impact zone.


  • Artemis can fire both of its weapons at the same time and the anti-building weapon can be fired while moving, making Artemis the most convenient and easiest siege units to use.
  • Like all siege units, it's best to always have accompany radar, in either building or unit form to allow the Artemis to dumb-fire both of its weapons into the fog.
  • Artemis can deal with frigates once it reaches a critical mass number, making its dump-firing weapon cover a large area, making it hard for the frigate to dodge or out speed.
  • Sieging tier 2 anti-Dreadnoughts defenses with Artemis requires some degree of micro, as the defenses range is nearly as far as the Artemis Harpoon weapon, making it tricky if there are other threats to the Artemis.
  • Artemis anti-building weapon has 100% accuracy, as the weapon trajectory would suggest.

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