Substrate - Caregiver
General Information
Type Cruiser
Constructed by Assembly
Time 40 seconds
Metal 280
Radioactives 75
Logistics 6
Spawn Count 1
Hit Points 450
Shield 900
Sight Radius 1000
Radar Radius 1015
Tool - Caregiver Shield Regenerator
DPS 30
Range 525

The Caregiver is a cruiser-class ship for the Substrate.

Support unit. Replenishes shields of nearby allied units.


This unarmed support cruiser recharges the shields of all nearby allied units. It has no other weaponry to speak of and is useless in direct combat, but the service it provides to Substrate armies is absolutely critical.


  • While the single target healing of Caregiver cannot match that of the Medic, its AoE definitely make up for it. However, this only gains value if the army is receiving AoE damage.
  • Sufficient amount of Caregivers can potentially undo the effect of EMP Pulse orbital very quickly and numerous amount of them could help a Substrate army withstand the combo usage of EMP Pulse and Plasma Storm orbitals.
  • Caregivers overall performs worse than Medics, due to them being cruisers, thus susceptible to most weaponry and their AoE rarely again enough values.

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